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I’m David Page, a 40+ year old PHP engineer living in Shrewsbury, UK with over 20 years of commercial web development experience, over 15 years with WordPress and with a deep understanding of using WordPress as an enterprise CMS. I have strong knowledge of modern web development using Git with object oriented PHP and MySQL for the backend, and modern CSS and vanilla Javascript for the fronted. Although as I have little to no artistic talent I tend to focus on the poetry of backend code. I have stretched my UX skills in creating clean admin interfaces, though more recently am found leveling up my frontend CSS with modern responsive grids.
I am currently a Senior Developer at Filter. Prior to that I was the Head of Development at Clear, before that Senior Web Engineer at 10up and prior to that a Senior Application Developer at Psycle Interactive.
Over the years I’ve worked on some significant WordPress installations. One of my first was transforming the websites Express & Star and Shropshire Star (both part of the Midlands News Association). My initial idea and development helped in turning their major business websites from small, rarely used sites to sites that were regularly pulling in 60,000+ visitors a day and having greater than 7 million pageviews every month. A more recent experience focused on fusing WordPress, BuddyPress and Sensei together with university systems to power the digital learning hub for Imperial College London.
When I’m not working, or spending copious time with my wife and the rest of my little family, I dabble in amateur dramatics. Most recently branching out into writing my own plays and directing.